
Gnomon Digital Training Futuristic Set Design 高級概念環境繪畫教程 未來城市設計 英文DVD版(只能電腦播放)

影片名稱: Gnomon Digital Training Futuristic Set Design 高級概念環境繪畫教程 未來城市設計
語系版本: 英文DVD版
光碟片數: 1片裝 (單面 DVD)
破解說明: mov檔,只能電腦播放
系統支援: Windows XP/ME/NT/2000/2003/Vista/7
軟體類型: 教程
更新日期: 2012.12.10
相關網址: 無
中文網站: www.159tw.com
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)

The Gnomon Workshop 藝術設計殿堂極力締造者,這是2008年12月份初發行最新
Futuristic Set Design,高級概念環境繪畫教程-未來城市設計。GNOMON教程,每每給
同! Gnomon的教程向來以其前沿的技術和清晰的視頻質量而受到廣大用戶的青睞.

在這個系列的第一個DVD中,詹姆斯涵蓋廣泛的Adobe Photoshop 技術, 他利用作為一
個概念設計中的電影業。著眼于未來主題的建築景觀, 詹姆斯從一個空白頁, 直接在
Photoshop 中並迅速深入到素描意念,鎖定了一個充滿活力的組成。設置自己有別於其
他概念的先進技術學科,比如Photoshop 層屬性,創建自定義畫筆,和發展中國家的建
In this first of three DVDs in a series, James will cover a wide range of
Adobe Photoshop? techniques that he uses as a concept designer in the feature
film industry. Focusing on the subject of futuristic architectural landscapes,
James starts with a blank page and quickly delves right into such topics as
sketch ideation directly in Photoshop? and blocking in a dynamic composition.
Setting itself apart from other concept art techniques, this DVD concentrates
heavily on the smooth integration of photo reference and high-end
conceptualization ideas, or what James terms “Photoshop? kit bashing”,
blurring the line between photo and ideation rendering. Subjects such as
Photoshop? layer properties, creating custom brushes, and developing
architectural concepts are also covered.


01: Loose Digital Sketching
02: Manipulating Reference Photography
03: Composition / Hot Keys
04: Kit Bashing
05: Masking / Choosing Colors
06: 2D Texture Mapping
07: Adding More Objects to the Composition
08: More Photo Scrap / Render with Indication
09: Keeping it Fresh
10: Custom Brushes / Progression of Detail
11: Dodge Layer / Adjusting for Perspective
12: Adding a Figure for Scale
13: The Home Stretch: Final Details
